Monday, November 11, 2013

The Drug Cycle

The surprising facts about drug and alcohol usage as well as the recovery process are the sheer volume.  Drugs and alcohol are more prolific now than any other time in recorded history.  The increase in drug and alcohol abuse is a direct correlation to this. 

The Cycle of Drug Use

Take the above scenario plus a prolonged recession as well as other short and long-term economic factors, as well as additional stressful scenarios and drugs are an easy escape which allows cheap relief. Of course this short relief only exacerbates one’s problems it therefore is sought after more and more frequently as the terrible cycle of the body becomes more accustom to the mind altering effects in addition to the body’s dependency grows on such substance.
This vicious cycle can is so extremely effective that the rise of drug abuse facilities cannot keep up with all of the new incoming patients and the cycle worsens.

Hope Through Experience

The fastest possible escape is through a treatment center. Some studies suggest that you are 95% more likely to successfully stay off of drugs through a treatment facility vs going it alone.  So if you or someone you know is addicted to alcohol or drugs please contact a rehabilitation center that you trust.