Tuesday, November 12, 2013

10 Shocking Drug Abuse Facts

There are a multitude of different stats around the web referring to alcohol and drug abuse, recovery, and addiction in general.  Some of which are shocking to say the least.  Here is a list of random facts around the web that should be mentioned.

  1. According to The National Traffic Commission:
    Over 20% of people involved in an accident are under the influence of drugs as well as alcohol.
  2. According to The DEA:
    Over 60% of all illegal drugs come from the USA
  3. According to The National Institute on Drug Abuse:
    Roughly 13.5 million people in the world take opioids.
  4. According to The CDC:
    There are over 15,000 alcohol related deaths and around 24,000 alcohol induced deaths.
  5. According to USA Today:
    Over 120,000 Americans are taken to the hospital annually due to overdosing on pain killers.
  6. According to PBS:
    The Illegal drug market accounts for over 1% of the world's GDP
  7. According to The National Center on Addiction and Substance Abuse :
    9 out of 10 fully grown adults addicted to drugs or alcohol began using before they were the of eighteen.
  8. According to Rehabs.com:
    It has been scientifically proven that marijuana is actually addictive as all users will experience withdrawal symptoms however only 10% will report such symptoms.
  9. According to Factfile.org:
    Half of the major violent crimes in The USA are associated with drug use in someway.
  10. According to DoSomething.org:
    Teenagers that have parents the regularly speak to them about the dangers of using drugs are actually 42% less likely to use vs parents that do not regularly speak to their teens about drug use.